Life's a Journey
Read up on my where, when & what

This page lists the countries I intent to visit. While traveling I may diverse from this path due to people I meet, climatic conditions or political situations. I will be updating the pages with the latest travel stories from any internet connection I can find on my way. You can get to the stories by clicking on the countries below. If you're wondering where all these countries are located, take a look at this map of the world. Happy reading and maybe we'll meet up in one of these places. Floris.

Japan & South-East Asia
Take a look at the map of SE Asia
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Planned Real Date
Japan 3 weeks 2 weeks March 25 - April 16 Visited
Hong Kong 4 days 5 days April 17 - April 20 Visited
China 3 days 5 days April 21 - April 23 Visited
Vietnam 2 weeks 2 1/2 wks April 24 - May 8 Visited
Cambodia 1 week 1 week May 9 - May 16 Visited
Laos 1 week 2 weeks May 17 - May 26 Visited
Thailand 3 weeks 3 weeks May 27 - June 19 Visited
Malaysia 2 weeks 2 weeks June 20 - July 2 Visited
Singapore 3 days 5 days July 2 - July 6 Visited

Take a look at the map of Oceania

Planned Real Date
Australia 2 months 2 months July 6 - September 5 Visited
New Zealand 6 weeks 4 weeks September 6 - October 5 Visited

South America
Take a look at the map of South America

Planned Real Date
Argentina 3 weeks 3 weeks October 6 - October 27 Visited
Chile 2 weeks 2 1/2 weeks October 27 - November 11 Visited
Peru 2 weeks 2 weeks November 11 - November 28 Visited
Bolivia 2 weeks 2 1/2 weeks November 28 - December 13 Visited
Paraguay 1 week 1 week December 14 - December 21 Visited
Uruguay 1 week 1 week December 26 - January 1st Visited
Brazil 5 weeks 4 weeks January 1 - January 28 2001 Visited
USA & Canada 2 1/2 weeks 2 1/2 weeks January 28 - February 15 Visited

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